Thursday, October 23, 2008

common knoledge

everyone has a pre-conceived answer to what they feel is a moral issue. while this is a good thing I do not think that it is wise to determine that everything in life is black and white.. there is a grey space in between. at times its hard to tell when the grey becomes black and at times you might think you are well within your own limits when suddenly the ref call offsides. The point that I am trying to make is that every person will make what they are told is a mistake and it is human nature to want to feel bad or to regret such a thing.
what if I were to tell you that there is no right or wrong decisions? don't take me for an atheist.. I'm certainly not.. rather let me explain, where are you in your life right now? are you happy? are you lonely? are you in a state of contentment? that state of being is exactly where you deserve to be. you have made choices that have let you to this point some of them were well conceived decisions and some of them seemingly just happened to you. I'll tell you right now that nothing happens to anyone... every person brings upon themselves the events in their life. lets put into play a real life situation... a friend of yours is going through relationship problems.. you are his only friend so he tells you about it.. every day. you start to see the world through his eyes and are lest trusting of women and relationships in general.. this attitude starts to show eventually and your girlfriend notices.. she not knowing the situation begins to think that you are growing apart or maybe that you don't love her anymore. as untrue as all of this is it doesn't stop her from thinking it, additionally you don't trust her enough to have a deep talk with her. so she finds a different guy who is open and who understands her. and she leaves you for him because you are emotionally closed off. you first response is "why did this happen to me.. ?" well it didn't.. you wanted it to happen so it did ... but it didn't just happen to you without provocation.. you allowed yourself to become someone you are not because your friend was having a hard time. you changed.. you became a different person, going forward you will have a better understanding and greater appreciation for what you already have and will be a happier person for it.. therefore... you being selfish and cold was not a wrong decision it was just a choice that you made that had consequences however it has got you to where you are now and you could not have been there without it. you are happier because you made a decision. there is a constant pattern here that we would be well to observe.
pain is a hallway that has two doors... one leads to bitterness and the other leads to happiness.. if you choose bitterness you will end up back in the hallway, many will live their whole life in bitterness and pain, these people are truly insane.. if you think I'm insensitive look up the definition of insane "Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results - Albert Einstein"... the conclusion that I am trying to draw is that there are no right and wrong decisions... there are decisions that lead to pain and bitterness and there are decisions that lead to happiness.. the latter is not wrong.. the former is not right.. its is simply the way a person chooses to live their life. whether they know it or not people who live in the hallway have chosen to be there whether through omission or through insanity.. they deserve to be there until they decide to leave.


Jourdan Dixon said...

Well done my friend. I am living proof of this blog. It's true. I disagreed with a few things. Grammar, punctuation, capitalization. ;)

Beckstreet said...

wow. That was quite the.....rant? Hope evrything is going ok. Sounds serious

Shell and Brian said...

Wow. wow is all I can say. I hope everything is going ok, too